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Mandatory Informa5on of the Website Owner: LET’S BOT!
Catherine SwiB Buchan
NIE Y5995477N
Calle Jaime el Conquistador, 11 11310 San Roque
Cádiz, Spain
Correo electrónico:
1. Introduction:
This Legal No5ce regulates the use of the website hYps:// (hereinaBer, the website) owned by Mrs. Catherine SwiB Buchan with NIE Y5995477N and residing at Calle Jaime el Conquistador, 11, 11310 San Roque, Cádiz, Spain (hereinaBer LET’S BOT! or the Owner).
Access to the website is free, except for the cost of the telecommunica5ons connec5on provided by the access provider contracted by users.
2. Acceptance:
The use of the website aYributes the user status and implies the acceptance of all condi5ons and terms of use included in this Legal No5ce.
Users are advised to carefully read this Legal No5ce periodically, as the condi5ons of use may undergo modifica5ons.
Some services accessible to users through the website may be subject to specific condi5ons that, if applicable, will replace, supplement, and/or modify this Legal No5ce, and must be accepted by the user before ini5a5ng the corresponding service. LET’S BOT! reserves the right to unilaterally modify the condi5ons and terms of use of this page. Any changes in this regard will be visibly published on the website so that users can be aware before visi5ng the page.
3. Naviga5on, Access, and Security:
Access and naviga5on on this website imply acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, condi5ons, and terms of use contained therein. LET’S BOT! makes every effort to ensure that naviga5on is carried out under the best condi5ons and to avoid any type of damage that may occur during it.
This website has been designed to support the browsers Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome. The Owner is not responsible for damages of any kind that users may suffer from using other browsers or different versions of browsers for which the website has been designed. Access to this website is done in a secure environment (hYps), so informa5on is transmiYed encrypted.
4. User Obligations:
4.1. Obligation to make proper use of the website.
Access and use of this website are subject to current legality and the principles of good faith and lawful use by the user, generally prohibi5ng any ac5on to the detriment of LET’S BOT! and contrary to this Legal No5ce.
The user agrees to use this service without engaging in ac5vi5es that may be considered unlawful or illegal, infringe on the rights of LET’S BOT! or third par5es, or that may damage, disable, overload, or deteriorate the website or prevent its normal use by other users.
4.2. Content Requests:
The user must refrain from making requests for content offered through this website using means or procedures other than those made available to them, different from those indicated on the website or different from those commonly used on the Internet, provided they do not pose a risk of disabling the website and its content.
4.3. Prohibitions:
The use of this website for illegal or unauthorized purposes is expressly prohibited, including but not limited to:
5. Updates
The informa5on on this website is current as of the date of its last update. The Owner reserves the right to update, modify, or delete the informa5on on this website. Users are recommended to access this website periodically for possible updates.
6. Intellectual Property:
All informa5on contained on this website, as well as its graphic design and the codes used, are protected by copyright or other protec5on rights under Royal Legisla5ve Decree 1/1996, of April 12, approving the Revised Text of the Intellectual Property Law.
These rights belong exclusively to LET’S BOT! or its licensors; therefore, any act of reproduc5on, distribu5on, transforma5on, or public communica5on, as well as any type of transfer, of all or part of the content of this site, and, in general, of any object protectable by intellectual property laws, is expressly excluded.
All content on the website and all content available through the products and services of the Owner, including designs, text, graphics, images, video, informa5on, applica5ons, soBware, music, sound, and other files, as well as their selec5on and arrangement (the “Content”), are the exclusive property of the Owner or its licensors, with all rights reserved. No part of the Content of the website may be modified, copied, distributed, framed, reproduced, republished, downloaded, extracted, displayed, published, transmiYed, or sold in any way or by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior wriYen consent of the Owner. Provided that the user is authorized to use the website, the Owner grants a limited license to use and access the website and the Content of the website legi5mately and only for personal and non-commercial use, as long as all copyright and intellectual property warnings remain intact. Content from the website may not be uploaded or republished on any Internet, Intranet, or Extranet site or integrated into databases or compila5ons. Any other use of the Content of the website is strictly prohibited.
The content of this website should not be used for public dissemina5on or commercial purposes and should not be modified without the prior wriYen consent of the Owner.
7. Trademarks:
All trademarks, logos, and anagrams displayed on this site are the property of LET’S BOT! or third-party companies. The use, without prior consent, of any element of this website that is subject to protec5on according to current legisla5on on industrial property is expressly prohibited. In par5cular, trademarks, trade names, establishment signs, names, logos, slogans, or any type of dis5nc5ve sign belonging to the Owner may not be used.
8. Privacy Policy:
No personal data is collected through the website. In any case, informa5on regarding LET’S BOT!’s privacy policy is available through the “Privacy Policy” channel at the following link hYps://
9. Cookies:
The website exclusively uses cookies that allow the opera5on and provision of the services offered therein.
During access to this website, LET’S BOT! will only use technical cookies that allow communica5on only between the user’s computer and the network. For this reason, these cookies fall outside the scope of the Law on Informa5on Society Services and Electronic Commerce.
Cookies are automa5c procedures for collec5ng informa5on about preferences determined by a user during their visit to a par5cular website. This informa5on is recorded in small files that are saved on the corresponding user’s computer in an impercep5ble way. Each 5me the user accesses the respec5ve website, these files are automa5cally ac5vated so that the page is configured with the preferences indicated in previous visits. In short, cookies are physical files of informa5on hosted on the user’s terminal and unequivocally associated with this terminal. Cookies cannot read cookie files created by other websites.
10. Hyperlinks.
Users wishing to include links from their own websites to LET’S BOT! must comply with the condi5ons outlined below, and ignorance of these condi5ons shall not exempt them from the responsibili5es arising under the law:
In any case, LET’S BOT! reserves the right to prohibit links to its website and to demand their removal when they do not comply with the condi5ons required in this sec5on.
11. Responsibility.
The user shall be solely responsible for any infrac5ons they may commit or for the damages that may be caused to third par5es by the improper or unlawful use of the website.
LET’S BOT! shall not be responsible for any possible damages or harms that may result from interferences, omissions, interrup5ons, computer viruses, telephone faults, or disconnec5ons in the opera5onal func5oning of electronic or computer systems, caused by factors beyond the company’s control, delays, or blocks in the use of such systems caused by deficiencies or overloads in telephone lines, overloads in the Internet system, or other electronic systems.
LET’S BOT! does not guarantee the truthfulness and is not responsible for the consequences that may arise from errors in the content provided by third par5es that may appear on this website.
Similarly, LET’S BOT! is not responsible for the contents, products, or services that may be viewed through electronic links (links), directly or indirectly, through the website, except in cases provided for in Ar5cle 17 of Law 34/2002, of July 12, on Services of the Informa5on Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI). In the event that a user believes that there is a linked site with illegal or inappropriate content, they must no5fy LET’S BOT!
The links do not necessarily imply the existence of a rela5onship between LET’S BOT! and the individuals and en55es owning the pages to which they provide access, nor the recommenda5on, promo5on, or iden5fica5on of LET’S BOT! with the statements, content, or services provided through them. LET’S BOT! reserves the right to unilaterally withdraw the links that appear on its website at any 5me.
LET’S BOT! is not aware of the contents and services of the linked sites and, therefore, is not responsible for damages caused by their illegality, quality, obsolescence, unavailability, error, or uselessness, nor for any other damage that is not directly aYributable to it.
LET’S BOT! disclaims responsibility for “cookies” that third par5es may install on the user’s computer’s hard drive.
12. Communica5ons.
For any necessary communica5ons, users may send an email to the address or send a wriYen communica5on to LET’S BOT! at Jaime el Conquistador, 11, 11310 San Roque, Cádiz, Spain.
The user expressly accepts the use of email as a valid method for sending communica5ons.
13. Jurisdic5on and Applicable Law.
The terms and condi5ons governing this website and all related rela5onships are safeguarded by Spanish law.
Any dispute arising from access to or use of this website shall be within the jurisdic5on of the Courts that may correspond by law.
LET’S BOT! – Catherine SwiH Buchan – 2023© All rights reserved.